Author(s): Vidhya Rani, A. Mary Grace


DOI: 10.52711/jnmr.2023.28   

Address: Vidhya Rani, A. Mary Grace
Sir Madanlal Institute of Nursing and Paramedical, Etawah, UP – 206001.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 2,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2023

Parental involvement and genuine interest in an adolescent’s school life has a significant influence on this academic performance and ability to focus and efficiently manage homework. Brown and Lyengas (2008) noted that adolescents who look parental acceptance, behavioural supervision and psychological autonomy start out at a disadvantage by lacking vital skills needed to he academically successful. Adolescents gain and build upon values and academic goals based on those of parents.The purpose of this research was to analyse how presented involvement of presenting styles influencing adolescent’s academic performance, Objectives are to assess the level of knowledge regarding motivation behaviour among urban parents towards their adolescents children, to find out the association between the level of knowledge regarding motivational behaviour among urban parents towards their adolescent’s children with selected demographic variables.. A descriptive design was adopted to assess the level of knowledge regarding motivational behaviour among the urban parents towards their adolescent children in academic performance. The findings were that the level of motivational behaviour among parents revealed that 7% of women had adequate knowledge 90% of women had moderate knowledge 3% of women had inadequate knowledge.

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Vidhya Rani, A. Mary Grace. A Descriptive Study to Assess the Level of Knowledge regarding Motivational behaviour among Urban Parents towards Their Adolescent children in Academic Performance. A and V Pub Journal of Nursing and Medical Research 2023; 2(4):109-2. doi: 10.52711/jnmr.2023.28

Vidhya Rani, A. Mary Grace. A Descriptive Study to Assess the Level of Knowledge regarding Motivational behaviour among Urban Parents towards Their Adolescent children in Academic Performance. A and V Pub Journal of Nursing and Medical Research 2023; 2(4):109-2. doi: 10.52711/jnmr.2023.28   Available on:

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