Author(s): Alwyn Anil Kale


DOI: 10.52711/jnmr.2023.09   

Address: Mr Alwyn Anil Kale
Associate Professor, Shivai Institute of Nursing (SION), Omerga, District- Osmanabad (Dharashiv), State – Maharashtra.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 2,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2023

Abstract – Study to assess the level of academic stress, its physical - psychological health problems and coping strategies among HSC students in selected colleges Objectives – 1. To assess the levels of academic stress, physical- psychological health problems and coping strategies of HSC students. 2. To correlate the levels of academic stress with, physical–psychological health problems and coping strategies of HSC students. 3. To find out the association between levels of academic stress, physical-psychological health problems and coping strategies with selected demographic variables among HSC students. Material and methods – A Non-experimental descriptive design and survey approach was considered the best to assess the level of stress, physical-psychological health problems and coping strategies adopted by second HSC students. Result – 1. Frequency and Percentage distribution of demographic Variables among HSC Students 2. Frequency and Percentage distribution of Level of Academic stress, Physical-psychological health problems and Coping strategies of second HSC students. 3. Mean, Mean percentage and Standard deviation levels of academic stress, Physical-psychological health problems and coping strategies of second HSC students. 4. Correlation between level of academic stress and physical - psychological health problems and Coping strategies of HSC students. 5. Association of demographic variables with level of academic stress, Physical-psychological health problems and coping strategies with demographic variables among HSC students Conclusion - The present study assessed the level of academic stress, physical-psychological health problems and coping strategies of HSC students. The result revealed that majority (52%) of the subjects had moderate level of stress, almost half (50.5%) subjects had mild physical-psychological health problems and 70% subjects had adaptive coping strategies. Most of demographic variables have no influence on the level of academic stress, physical-psychological health problems and coping strategies of HSC students but total family income, religion, stream of study and attending private tuition may be a significant factor in determining the level of academic stress, physical-psychological health problems and coping strategies of HSC students.

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Alwyn Anil Kale. Assess the level of academic stress, its physical - psychological health problems and coping strategies among HSC students in selected colleges. A and V Pub Journal of Nursing and Medical Research. 2023; 2(2):29-1. doi: 10.52711/jnmr.2023.09

Alwyn Anil Kale. Assess the level of academic stress, its physical - psychological health problems and coping strategies among HSC students in selected colleges. A and V Pub Journal of Nursing and Medical Research. 2023; 2(2):29-1. doi: 10.52711/jnmr.2023.09   Available on:

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